Diamond Design Trellis

$980 +gst

[Repeats design-sold per mirror]

For those who want stylish plants featured on their garden walls.

These trellises were designed to sit either side of our Diamond design mirror. They are the same size, except that they are attached with tabs that have the trellises sit 30mm off the wall so you can weave creepers or vines through them to create a fabulous 3-piece feature.

Of course, they will work as stand-alone trellises or can be repeated to create a trellised wall.

$50 Freight prices will be confirmed at time of order with at cost quoted. We select fragile freight service for our mirrors.
$220 Freight prices will be confirmed at time of order with at cost quoted. We select fragile freight service for our mirrors.
Quote based on location Freight prices will be confirmed at time of order with at cost quoted. We select fragile freight service for our mirrors.
Fill out this form or call 02 9692 0102

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